Your PCA e-Brake News April recap

Published: Wed, 05/06/15

eBrake News
May 6, 2015
Dear e-Brake subscriber,
As you know, Porsche Club of America delivers e-Brake News issues to your inbox every Tuesday. This is the April monthly recap.

To the left, check out the April issue of Porsche Panorama. Scroll down to find an announcement about a major PCA membership milestone, a recap of the top-five articles of the month, and links to April's two membership surveys.

As always, scroll to the bottom to vote for the Porsche of the Month, and to see March's Porsche of the Month winner.
PCA celebrates 70,000+ Porsche Households!
Thank you for helping us realize another major milestone, more than 70,000 Porsche households representing 115,000 members. Also congratulations to the Upper Canada Region for their tremendous membership growth and securing the title of largest region to date!
High growth for PCA requires a strong combination of great events, friendly atmosphere, effective member communications, and purposeful recruiting. This has been proven each month as our membership continues to grow. Hard work, dedicated volunteers, and great events are just a few reasons for the recent success.
Thank you to all Regions, PCA members, and volunteers for your dedication and efforts! Members like you are the foundation of our club!